History of Walkington Pantomime Players

Below is a copy of the minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Pantomime Committee, held at 9 All Hallows Road on Friday 8 October 1971 at 8:00pm.

Present: Mrs Annette Firth, Mr George Cornmell, Dr Kenneth Sugars, Mr Robert Wellings and Mr Alistair Robertson.

  1. Mr Cornmell chaired the meeting. He gave each member of the committee a copy of his proposed pantomime “Dick Walkington”
  2. The aim of the pantomime were discussed and agreed as follows:
    1. To give pleasure to the children of the village
    2. To raise money for the village hall
    3. To fill a space in the village calendar
    4. To give enjoyment to everyone, including ourselves
  3. The provisional dates for the performance were agreed as follows:
    1. Saturday 5 February 1972
    2. Monday 7 February 1972
    3. Tuesday 8 February 1972
    4. and Friday 11 February 1972 (subject to demand)
  4. It was agreed to hire the hall for a dress rehearsal on 4 February.
  5. Prices for admission were agreed as follows:
    1. Children and OAPs 10p
    2. Adults 20p
  6. The committee then discussed the additional help requried. Mrs Sue Sugars and Mrs Janet Dixon had agreed to help with painting of scenery etc. Mr Bob Wellings to approach Mr David Alderson for assistance with stage settings. Mrs Firt to see Mr Bob Jordan for help with make-up. Mr Cornmell to ask Mr Robin Taylor to play the drums and Mr Tom Forbes to play Piano.
  7. The following responsibilities were agreed:
    1. Producer/Director George Cornmell
    2. Musical Research and Direction Bob Wellings
    3. Stage Management Alistair Robertson
    4. Publicity/Additional Lyrics Ken Sugars
  8. The committee then discussed the content of the pantomime in detail and made several minor amendments. The Walkington Song, which had been written by Ken Sugars, would be introduced at the end of the pantomime.
  9. The meeting was then closed and a further meeting was arranged for Friday 15 October 1971.

These minutes, signed in their original form by George Cornmell, record the birth of what was to become known as the “Walkington Pantomime Players”.

And you can read details of that original Panto here